APache Jena deploy
Quick start
For a very quick start, you can 1. Pull the image
2. Create ashiro.ini
file for authentication below is an example file:
- Start a container by running the following command to map the port and mount the
Connect with Neurobagel API
Assuming you've already followed the steps in quick-start and that you're running all this locally on your machine you can go ahead and create a dataset using the configured authentication
dataset -
to thesynthetic
dataset -
Lastly if you'd like to use the Fuseki server with the Neurobagel API use the
file below
Relevant questions:
Can we run it as a docker image (from default or do you have to make one)? There isn't an official docker image for Fuseki but I found a community-supported image that I used for trying and testing Fuseki. We can use the image available on the docker hub at stain/jena-fuseki or use the DOCKERFILE available on stain's GitHub repo to make our own image.
Can we create a new graph/database and push data into it? Yes in Fuseki they refer to them as
To create a dataset:
curl -X POST -u {username}:{passwod} --data "dbName={datasetname}&dbType=tdb" {graph_address}:3030/$/datasets
To push data into it e.g., a .jsonld
curl -X POST -u {username}:{passwod} --data-binary @{path/to/file}.jsonld -H "Content-Type: application/ld+json" {graph_address}:3030/{datasetname}/data?default
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-query" -H "Accept: application/sparql-results+json" --data 'SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 10' -u {username}:{passwod} {graph_address}:3030/{datasetname}/query
Is there a web GUI to run queries? maybe an extension / buddy-project? Yes, the aforementioned docker image includes a web UI that allows for running queries on the dataset and offers a few other useful info on datasets but it's rather simple compared to Stardog studio
Can we create user credentials/passwords to protect graphs? Yes, but it's a bit different than Stardog and GraphDB. Fuseki requires a
file for creating users, setting roles, giving permissions, etc. See shiro docs.