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BIC internal node federation

Below are some problems uniquely encountered on the neurobagel-node VM.

(See also Docker)


  • The f-API (in either a standalone container on the default bridge network, or our local_federation recipe) cannot access services on host.docker.internal
  • Seemingly, only using the external URL for the n-API (NGINX) in local_nb_nodes.json works
  • host.docker.internal successfully resolves to whatever the bridge network IP address is, but services with published ports on the host still can't be reached

Reaching VM from inside container on VM

  • from inside the neurobagel-node VM we can connect to a n-API running on the same machine using the public URL of the n-API (
  • however: if a request is made from inside a docker container on this machine using the public IP or hostname of the machine, it fails
  • ping works, but curl fails, indicating a firewall/port issue
  • this problem only arose after access to the node became restricted using iptables

Our temporary solution (just for this machine): - We manually add the f-API container to same network as the n-API+graph - We update local_nb_nodes.json on neurobagel-node to use the container name of n-API as the ApiURL for the federation index rather than its public URL

Here are the commands we use for that:

# docker network connect <n-API-network> <f-API-container>
docker network connect bic_pd_node_nodenet bic_federation-federation-1

Note: this command needs to be rerun whenever the f-API Compose stack (i.e., the f-API container) has been stopped and restarted.

and long term: - we want to switch to using one Compose network for all services so that all requests come from inside network