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  • "Realm": a set of users, credentials, roles, groups that are managed in independently
  • each user belongs to & logs into a realm
  • there's a "Master" realm, which is not recommended for apps
    • only for managing other realms
  • apps are secured under a specific realm


  • supports out-of-the-box IdPs incl. Google, GitHub, LinkedIn, etc.
  • also flexible enough to support integration of any OIDC or SAML 2.0 provider
  • After a Keycloak realm has been created, Google can be added as an identity provider (using the Google API client ID & secret)
  • A user can then log in to the Keycloak conigured client with Google (as well as a standard login)
  • You can also create a client in Keycloak directly (and not use an IdP), under a specific realm (which you have manually created users for ?)

Steps to automate

From the command line (as part of our deploy recipe?): - create a new realm & configure the IdP for the realm (add credentials for a Google App) - Each node controls their own Keycloak instance - Create a client for the ~~query tool~~ node API - Create custom client roles (maybe two to start) 1. Send query + view aggregated results - should be the default if user has authenticated 3. Send query + view non-aggregated results - enable token exchange

Possible workflow

Query Tool (Client in Keycloak):

  • User logs in using Google through Keycloak
  • Query tool obtains an access token for the user

Federation API (Service): - Query tool sends the user's access token to the Federation API. - Federation API performs a token exchange using the access token to get a new token for the node API client. - Federation API forwards the new token to the node API

Node API (Client in Keycloak): - Node API verifies the token received from the Federation API. - Node API uses the verified token to identify the user and perform role-based access control. - Admin can then view users who have logged in using the admin console and assign more roles


Keycloak token exchange

  • Client can:
  • exchange existing Keycloak token for one client for token targeted for another client
    • does this work across realms?
  • exchange Keycloak token for token stored for a linked social provider acct (?)
  • exchange external token from another Keycloak realm to internal token
  • Token exchange is a client endpoint


  • Should f-API (initiating token exchange) talk to the n-API Keycloak or the query tool Keycloak for the exchange process??



Resources: - - -

Keycloak in React