Annotation Tool

The Neurobagel annotation tool allows upload of BIDS phenotypic metadata and guides users through a multistep process that ends in an annotated output file compatible with the our harmonized metadata model and graph database. Once this occurs, a user’s dataset will be queryable alongside other datasets via our Cohort Definition Tool. The annotation process itself has been simplified via our user interface into two discrete steps: categorization and annotation.

  1. Upload a BIDS data table (e.g. ‘participants.tsv’) and data dictionary (e.g. ‘participants.json’).
  2. Link columns in the data table to Neurobagel data categories (subject ID, age, sex, diagnosis, assessment tools). Tools split across multiple columns can be grouped together.
  3. Harmonize values found in those categorized columns in the data table.
  4. Review newly-annotated data and download a file for entry into our graph database where it can be used by our tool for cross-cohort search and definition.

See the animated demo of our user interface below!